A portion of the proceeds from product sales will be donated to Prison Ministry.
"If you want a believer who puts Jesus first, then Arthur is the person for you."

"Arthur has an extremely strong grasp of the Bible and is qualified and capable of communicating its contents clearly and effectively.

Although a great deal has been mentioned about his ability to minister, Arthur has an incredible anointing on his voice as he sings songs of glorious praise, victory and hope in Jesus.

Even though I have heard him often, I never tire of Arthur's voice due to his intensity and texture.

In this day and age it is rare to find someone in the Body of Christ who is committed to ministry musically and not entertaining simply because they are "gifted." Arthur is gifted and he ministers.

"Incredible! Outstanding! A man so blessed with God's gift in music that he bears His message through a powerful voice that reaches every listener.

Arthur's music penetrates the pain and suffering of separation and loneliness to give the only hope the world has, Jesus Christ, and Arthur extends his hand out to anyone along his path and says, "I Love You!"

"If you want a believer who puts Jesus first, then Arthur is the person for you."

"Arthur has an extremely strong grasp of the Bible and is qualified and capable of communicating its contents clearly and effectively.

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Join Isaiah Records in support of Hallett Ministries by starting your shopping at... Https://smile.amazon.com.
Contact Information
Hallett Corporation, Inc. (dba) Isaiah Records
PO Box 1015
Sarasota, FL 34230
(941) 957-0341